Performance Jong Advendo

Schaapmarktplein 1 Sneek -plan route - website
Musical performance young Advendo through the center of Sneek.
  • Saturday 29 June13:30 - 16:00

Jong Advendo

Drum and Showfanfare Jong Advendo has already built a great reputation as a youth showband. At tattoos, parades and street parades, these boys and girls know how to entertain the audience with their surprising music and show elements. They will start at approximately 1:30 p.m.

Route: From the Advendo association building on Korte Vreugde, go under the tunnel on Parallelweg, Bloemstraat, turn left along Looxmagracht, over the Koninginnebrug, cross over to Gedempte Pol, turn left over Oosterdijk (out and back at de Boer Licht), cross over to Wijde Burgstraat, then turn left through Nauwe Burgstraat, Schaapmarktplein, Grootzand (back over the middle bridge), left across the Leeuwenburg, right towards the Marktstraat (up to the Town Hall and back), back to the Leeuwenburg, across the Schaapmarktplein, through the Nauwe Burgstraat, right across the Wijde Burgstraat, cross over to the Oosterdijk (outward and back at the Boer Licht), then right across the Gedempte Pol, Koninginnebrug, Looxmagracht, Bloemstraat, Korte Vreugde back to the Advendo association building.

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