Beer, wine or a Widow Joustra Beerenburg tasting

Irish pub de Poort van Cleef
Beer, wine or a Widow Joustra Beerenburg tasting

A nice concept at the Irish Pub are the various tastings. You can enjoy 6 special beers, wines or different flavors from the widow Joustra. including a portion of bitterballen for only € 15.95 p.p. and can be ordered from 1 person. (please reserve for groups of more than 6 people!). Each person receives their own tray with six tasting glasses.

Experience and taste it...definitely worth it!

This is a fun and especially tasty activity for a company outing, bachelor party or just enjoy it with your friends or family.

For groups of more than six people, it is important to reserve one of the tastings.
You can do this by sending an e-mail or calling us.

Contact details
market street 25
8601 CS Sneek


request a package
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