From Sneek you can make beautiful cycling, walking and sailing routes. We have listed a few here. A number of art routes have also been developed in 3 variants: walking, cycling & sailing route along public art in Sneek and the surrounding area. These routes can also be printed and you can read more about the art objects online.
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Art, walking, cycling and sailing route
Do you have any tips, comments or comments about the routes? Let us know via the contact form or leave a message on social media with hastags #sneekismeer #kunstroutesneek
Most routes have been developed for; the other routes are indicated with source citation.

Explanation of the art routes Sneek
The Sneek Art Routes (walking, cycling or sailing) take you past a number of public art objects such as statues, wall sculptures, relief stones, paintings or other art expressions. The routes can be followed on your mobile phone, but also via a printable map in PDF, with a description of the works of art and artists (if known).
Viewing art in public spaces and outdoors lets you see the environment with different eyes. Moreover, the art route can be walked, cycled or sailed at any time and alone or in company. Background information about the art objects and/or artists can be found online per route below by clicking on the correct art object on the route map and then clicking 'more information'.
The copyright of these routes is owned by Nothing from these routes may be reproduced without prior written permission from Sneek Promotion.

Following the art route is fun, enjoyable, interesting and educational for children. A lesson letter has been created for teachers of children in the upper grades (groups 6, 7 and 8) to make this public art visible and understandable in a playful and educational way.