Haga drabble cake factory

1e Oosterkade 22 Sneek - website

Haga DrabbelkoekenfabriekThe Sneker Drabbelkoek is sweet, crispy and airy and it crumbles. This typical cookie comes from the De Friesche Sjees cookie factory in Sneek, where the Haga family has been baking it in pure butter according to a secret recipe since 1850. The cakes are made by hand in butter, placed on a sieve and finally placed in a tin. Each cookie takes about ten minutes of work. This Sneker delicacy is available at various bakeries in Sneek.

Haga's Butter Dribble Cookie Factory 'De Friese Sjees'
Opening hours: Monday to Friday Friday from 9am to 6pm
and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with free admission

Photo: Marianne Haga bakes dribble cakes.