Sneek petting zoo

Harste 11 Sneek Sneek

In addition to various animals (including goats, chickens, rabbits, pot-bellied pigs, horses, donkeys), the It Bûthús petting zoo has a large playground, pedal boats and much more! There is also an educational garden, where a variety of plants have been planted around a ruin (the Sneek castle) from which a spout supplies a babbling brook with water. Four locks lead from this stream. Children can operate the locks themselves and create their own floods and swamps. The water feature of six fountains that -unexpectedly- spray jets of water through each other complete the water fun. The water play is a great success, especially during warm periods in the summer.

Open: Tuesday to Friday 10am - 5pm.
Saturday and Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM.
Closed on Mondays (open on Mondays during holidays).

It Bûthús petting zoo
Hardest 11b
8602 JX Sneek

T: 088 - 166 36 02

source photos:
Facebook Petting zoo It Bûthús