Exhibition: rescuers at sea, 200 years of KNRM

Kleinzand 16 Sneek -plan route - website
For the hundreds of thousands of water sports enthusiasts who take to the Frisian waters each year, help is always available thanks to the volunteers of the Royal Dutch Rescue Society (KNRM).
  • Saturday 9 March t/m Sunday 30 June10:00 - 17:00

In the exhibition Rescuers at Sea, the Fries Scheepvaart Museum pays tribute to these volunteers.

You will see penetrating portraits of the volunteers in words and pictures, ship models of Frisian lifeboats through the years and razor-sharp photographs of the rescue stations in the Frisian coastal landscape. Poet Abe de Vries takes a poetic look at the role of lifeguards on the water.

As a visitor, you too can discover for yourself if there is a lifeguard lurking within you. Cabaret artist and decision maker Katinka Polderman humorously guides you to the answer.

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