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- Trio Hexapode Noorderkerk Concert

Trio Hexapode Noorderkerk Concert
Hexapode was formed in 1983 by flutist Annemarie van der Reijden, cellist Derk Stegeman and pianist Diederick Koornstra who met at the Leeuwarden Conservatory of Music.
- Tuesday 18 Februaryvanaf 13:30
In 1989 Diederick Koornstra was succeeded by Jan van Liere. In those forty years the ensemble grew into a natural whole and a large repertoire of surprising chamber music from Haydn to contemporary works written for this instrumentation was built up. In addition to classical and romantic works, especially in the 20th century, music has been written for this colorful, not everyday, instrumentation. Composers then make grateful use of the full scope and color possibilities of the three instruments which often results in sparkling and sometimes virtuosic music.
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