The Titus Brandsma Museum (Bolsward)
The Titus Brandsma Museum is a museum in the Frisian town of Bolsward dedicated to Titus Brandsma, who was born near the town.
Titus Brandsma was a priest and opposed National Socialism, especially the persecution of Jews, during World War II. As a result, he was murdered by the occupying forces in Dachau on July 26, 1942.
Musuem is currently closed
Due to relocation of the Titus Brandsma Museum to Cultural Historical Center "the Tiid," the museum is closed. It is expected that the Cultuur Historisch Centrum ''de Tiid" will open on May 12, 2021, where the Titus Brandsma Museum will present itself together with the Gysbert Japicxhûs and the Oudheidkamer van Bolsward in the former town hall of Bolsward.