Breakwater (Duinterpen, Fritillary/Atalanta Sneek)

Duinterpen Sneek

On November 15, 2007, the artwork 'Breakwater'was unveiled at the Parelmoervlinder/ Atalanta. In 2005, Renate de Boer and Dorieke Dijkstra won a competition held by Wetterskip Fryslân, in cooperation with several municipalities. Wetterskip Fryslân, together with the former municipality of Sneek, placed the artwork in the sustainable neighborhood Duinterpen because De Golfbreker symbolizes the experience of water in the living environment. The artwork consists of a boat being swamped by a large wave. Renate and Dorieke explain that the boat stands for the land protected by the dikes. "The arch is a dike that protects the land. You can also see the arch as a wave that washes over the land when the dikes can no longer hold." Water flows out of the arch. A large solar panel provides the necessary energy. In addition, special low-energy lamps have been used to illuminate the artwork. The former Sneek city council deliberately chose Duinterpen for placement of The Breakwater, because sustainability was a high priority in the construction of this area. The bar is also high in terms of the quality of the spatial design. This combines well with the way in which De Golfbreker came about.