Housing shortage (Graaf Adolfstraat Sneek)
He designed and manufactured it in 1956 on behalf of contracting company Friso in Sneek, which offered it to the former municipality. Mayor LudolfRasterhoff unveiled the gift on Friday, September 14, 1956. The statue symbolizes the struggle against the postwar housing shortage and the cooperation in this area between the former municipality and private builders. The monument stands on the edge of Tuindorp where Friso had built what was then a large project of 340 homes, designed by architect Romke de Vries. In this project a combination of traditional and modern assembly building was used in Sneek for the first time, resulting in significant savings in construction costs. The way the housing shortage was combated with this plan - through a new form of cooperation between the former municipality and private builders - was unique in the Netherlands at the time. Friso also wanted to express his gratitude for this by donating the sculpture. Sculptor Nico Ankenhoudt chose French Vaurion limestone to elaborate his design. He depicted the collaboration through two human figures carrying a roof on their raised hands. The inscription on the front of the pedestal reads "People in Distress, Unity Great. This inscription recalls the civic loan that helped finance the construction. At the end of 1951, the former municipality of Sneek appealed to the citizens of Sneeek to make the housing plans for 1952 possible. At that time the Netherlands was facing a shortage of capital which made it difficult for municipalities to obtain money. An attempt was made to borrow money from Sneker residents through a bond loan. Under the slogan "Out of stockings and vaults. Your money! The aim was to raise a capital of fl 750,000 at an interest rate of 4%, for which 75 houses could be built. Eventually the 'Burgerzinlening' loan was subscribed for 580,000 guilders. This included a loan from the pension fund of Lankhorst Touwfabrieken. On the back of the statue is the coat of arms of Sneek.