SSHUW Scharnegoutum Martens Church

Achterbuorren Scharnegoutum

Martens Church

In 1883 the reformed church buys the house with warehouse on the corner of the Legedyk and the st . Martensdyk (cnossen) to build a new church there because the hidden church on the Pôle became too small. The Reformed and the Reformed quarreled about this and finally, after a struggle of 5 years, the judge decided that the church, which had been in use for about a year, had to be demolished. The Reformed then bought the house across the Legedyk to rebuild the church. This is also against the grain of the Reformed, but still the Reformed go ahead with the construction and so the church is demolished on one side of the road and rebuilt opposite. This took place during the time of the Doleance when many members of the Protestant congregation switched to the Reformed faith.

The pôle
The separated pôle is also called the Reformed pôle. Here, after the separation from the Reformed during the doleantie of Abraham Kuiper around 1840, the 1st Christian breakaway church of Scharnegoutum was built. Later it became the Reformed church, at first the title Reformed was not allowed to be attached to it. The (sheltered) church was in what is now the second row of houses behind the houses on the street side.

On the right across the railroad the hamlet Mastenbroek named after the farmer who had his farm here around 1800. The bridge lies over the Lange rek, a canal which used to lead to the farms on the Ivege Leane.

Extra info:
The battle for the church caused a long split in the Scharnegoutumer religious community. No wonder then that it took a long time before people really went "together on the road". The Reformed congregation has also known a number of associations with beautiful names such as a boys' association with the beautiful name "Sow your seed in the dawn". Later this was "renamed" "The Mustard Seed."

The Legedyk, in the past, o,a. Platte dyk, Strickwerterdyk, Boazumer dyk is the 1st closure of the Middelsee in the early 12th century. The road continues from the Boazumerhoek to Grutte Wierrum as Nijlânsdyk and ends up on the Slachtedyk. I.e. the old Middelseedyk.

Factory "the Terpen" (now Supermarket Poiesz)
This milk factory was built in 1898 because the factories of Sneek and Ysbrechtum had too little capacity. The factory closed in October 1972 after which the milk went to the Takomst in Wommels, which later also closed and then the milk went to Dronryp and that too is now history.