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- Picture book festival: The Gnome Book (2+) Klein Amsterdam Productions

Picture book festival: The Gnome Book (2+) Klein Amsterdam Productions
- Sunday 16 Februaryvanaf 14:00
During the festival you can watch Sam & Julia (3-7 years), our new performance about the famous mice from the Mouse House by Karina Schaapman. Or learn all about gnomes in the performance Het Kabouterboek (2-6 years), based on the picture book of the same name by Loes Riphagen.
In the foyer is a colorful play city. Build your own skyscraper, have fun in the playhouses, disguise yourself like the gnomes do from The Gnome Book and build a beautiful road, until it's time to go to the performance!
The Book of Gnomes
In The Gnome Book by Loes Riphagen (awarded with a Silver Brush) you will learn almost everything about the gnome. For example, you find out that gnomes just live in the city these days, you learn what a flatware clip is and how best to disguise yourself. What does it sound like when they sing (false!), how do they smell, what does a house gnome feel like? On stage, we create the gnome world and, with a Very Large Gnome book, take all viewers into fantasy. But is it really fantasy?