It Kypmantsje (Evacuation center in IJlst)
The IJlster monthly magazine It Dryltser Kypmantsje, named after the nickname of the IJlsters, took the initiative several years ago to have a statue of the kypmantsje made. Thanks in part to a financial contribution from the Overtuinenfair IJlst and the voluntary cooperation of IJlster businesses and residents, the statue of It Dryltser Kypmantsje could be placed July 15. Two versions are circulating about the origin of the IJlster nickname. IJlster merchants used to go 'on the road' with their merchandise in a basket (kyp) on their backs. An IJlster baker baked a cookie which he named kypmantsje (merchant). This name is and remains inextricably linked to the IJlsters, reason to depict this little man and give him a place in the old city center.