SSHUW IJsbaanterrein, Sneek

Leeuwarderweg Sneek

Ice rink.
The ice rink on Leeuwarderweg was built in 1930. Sneek also had an ice rink before that. It was located where the former cattle market area is now. That area was called the Geeuwdal at the time. That name indicates that it was a low-lying terrain. In winter it was flooded and used as an ice rink. In 1930, the Geeuwdal was put into use as a cattle market. Therefore, the ice rink then moved to the Leeuwarderweg. The grounds were also used for other purposes in the summer. In 1957 Boys Town was held for the first time; the following year girls were also allowed to participate and it became Boys and Girls Town. This was a summer camp where boys and girls from the city spent a week during the summer vacation, led by volunteers, doing all kinds of fun activities. After 1972, it served as a temporary housing site for several years, and pop concerts were sometimes held there.
In 1996 management of the ice rink came into the hands of ice club Sneek (a merger of the ice clubs Friso and De Friesche Jeugd) Originally founded in 1871. This ice club named the rink after Dicky van der Werf. Van der Werf had been a very active member of the ice club board for many years since World War II and left the ice club a bequest of 250,000 euros after his death in 2004. For this the ice rink could be refurbished and the building was totally renovated.